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TypeScript Fast Crash Course
Section: 1 - Start Here
1. Introduction (2:32)
2. Reference files (1:57)
3. What is TypeScript (7:26)
4. Installing Node.js on Mac OS (8:35)
5. Installing Node.js on Windows (12:28)
6. Installing and Using TypeScript (11:22)
7. IDE - Using WebStorm (6:09)
8. IDE - Using VisualStudio (5:31)
9. Using an Online Editor (3:39)
Quiz 1: Section 1
Section: 2 - Types
10. Type Inference (8:03)
11. Types part 1 (5:22)
12. Types part 2 (5:53)
13. Types part 3 (5:27)
14. Function as Types (10:34)
15. Object as Types (4:21)
16. Union Types (4:11)
Quiz 2: Section 2
Section: 3 - Interfaces
17. Defining and using Interfaces (7:44)
18. Implementing interfaces to functions (4:59)
19. Implementing interfaces to classes (4:54)
20. Interface inheritance (4:40)
Quiz 3: Section 3
Section: 4 - Using Classes
21. Class Definition (4:02)
22. Class Access Modifiers (9:28)
23. Class Inheritance (9:17)
24. Class Abstract (6:10)
25. Generics (6:40)
26. Class Generics (7:31)
27. Class Generics constraints (2:22)
Quiz 4: Section 4
Section: 5 - Namespaces
28. Namespaces (6:48)
29. Using NameSpaces (4:37)
30. NameSpace Import (4:57)
Quiz 5: Section 5
Section: 6 - Module Exports
31. Namespace Alias (4:12)
32. Module Exports (10:14)
33. Loading Modules (11:15)
34. Where to go next?
Quiz 6: Section 6
6. Installing and Using TypeScript
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