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Node.js for beginners - Become a Node.js Developer
Section: 1 - Introduction and first steps
2. Exercise files
3. What is Node.js (4:00)
4. Installing Node.js on Mac (14:08)
5. Installing Node.js on Windows (4:22)
Section: 2 - Core Fundamentals
6. IDE's recommended to use
7. The Global object (13:08)
8. The Process object (12:08)
9. Readline (11:48)
10. Custom Events (9:06)
11. Module (7:49)
12. Exporting (6:18)
13. Child Processes (5:57)
Section: 3 - Playing with the File System
14. Reading files (10:10)
15. Writting files (8:26)
16. Creating directories (6:28)
17. Removing directories (5:09)
18. Renaming directories (7:44)
Section 4: - Core Fundamentals - HTTP - NPM and More
19. HTTP native Requests (15:09)
20. Creating Web Servers (13:23)
21. Serving files (10:20)
22. HTTP and JSON data part 1 (11:09)
23. HTTP and JSON data part 2 (4:07)
24. HTTP & Post data (15:25)
25. Intro to NPM (10:23)
26. AXIOS (7:07)
27. Server Automation Module (6:42)
Section: 5 - The Express Framework
28. The Intro (2:58)
29. Routes (7:34)
30. Route Parameters (6:01)
31. Middlewares (12:44)
32. Submitting Post Data with Express (15:21)
Section: 6 - The Exciting World of Websockets - Small Chat App
33. Intro and Connection (9:48)
34. Sending Form Data (12:25)
35. Broadcasting (6:22)
36. Client Side Data Handling (5:55)
37. Communication with all clients (8:44)
Section: 7 - Database - How to use MongoDB
38. Database Intro (5:28)
39. Installing MongoDB in Windows (9:08)
40. Installing MongoDB in a Mac (8:01)
41. Connecting to MongoDB using the MongoDB Client (5:09)
42. Connecting to MongoDB using an ODM - Mongoose (8:23)
43. Let's learn some Database Vocabulary (8:02)
44. MongoDB Client - Inserting Data (6:53)
45. The ObjectID (9:35)
46. MongoDB Client - Fetching (1:21)
47. MongoDB Client - Updating (10:02)
48. MongoDB Client - Deleting (8:18)
49. PostMan Installation (3:58)
Section: 8 - How to use Mongoose - ODM
50. Mongoose - ODM - Setup (4:39)
51. Mongoose - creating a Model part 1 (10:32)
52. Mongoose - creating a Model part 2 - Data Insertion and Validation (6:56)
53. Mongoose - creating a Model part 3 - Using the Schema Object (5:27)
54. Setting up Express (4:20)
55. Creating Routes part 1 (3:28)
56. Creating Routes part 2 - saving raw data (8:18)
57. Setting up our code to save POST data (5:40)
58. Saving POST data (8:03)
59. Fetching Data (4:17)
60. Updating Data with PATCH (13:15)
61. Updating Data with PUT (8:33)
62. Deleting Data (10:34)
Section 9: - Login and Registration
63. Intro and Modules Downloads (4:29)
64. Setting up Express Server and our Database (5:07)
65. Creating Our User Model (5:13)
66. Registration part 1 - Creating our register route (3:49)
67. Registration part 2 - Adding our Body Parser (4:31)
68. Registration part 3 - Saving the User (3:32)
69. Registration part 4 - Let's Hash the Password (7:27)
70. Login part 1 - Setting up the Login route (5:38)
71. Login part 2 - Testing User Login (3:32)
Section: 10 - CMS Project
72. Project directories setup (6:34)
73. Initializing our server (5:50)
74. Setting up Home page (17:46)
75. Dynamic page content and getting styles to work (9:17)
76. Including Partials (4:37)
77. Creating our Login and Registration Views (4:34)
78. Build home page views (8:10)
79. Admin Setup part 1 - Loading and using routes (12:11)
80. Admin Setup part 2 - Default layout (6:03)
81. Admin Setup part 3 - partials and links (9:58)
82. Admin Setup part 4 - Javascript files (6:32)
Section: 11 - CMS Project Section - POSTS
83. Creating Post routes part 1 (6:04)
84. Let's create a database connection (9:55)
85. Creating the form part 1 (8:29)
86. Creating the form part 2 (7:36)
87. Creating a Post Model part 1 (9:11)
88. Creating a Post Model part 2 (4:14)
89. Including body-parser and testing (6:34)
90. Testing our Post Model (6:02)
91. Saving a Post (9:34)
92. Reading data part 1 - Form creation (4:20)
93. Reading Data part 2 - Reading Data (5:18)
94. Updating part 1 (6:26)
95. Updating part 2 - Displaying data back to the form (10:58)
96. Updating part 3 - Handlebars function setup (7:22)
97. Updating part 4 - Handlebars function finished (9:05)
98. Updating part 5 - Method Override Module (7:06)
99. Updating part 6 - Finally updating :) (6:40)
100. Deleting Posts (5:09)
101. Dummy Data creation part 1 - setup (10:06)
102. Dummy Data creation part 2 - Finished (14:22)
Section: 12 - CMS Project - UPLOAD feature
103. Installing and setting up the Upload Module (3:29)
104. Testing the FILES Object (5:17)
105. Uploading a file (5:47)
106. Creating a helper function to test Empty objects (9:31)
107. Inserting the file reference to the database (5:55)
108. Modifying duplicate pictures to have different names (4:07)
109. Displaying the uploaded pictures (3:21)
110. Deleting the files / images with the post (7:32)
Section: 13 - CMS Project - Form Validation
111. Validation part 1 (7:57)
112. Validation part 2 (4:52)
113. Model Validations - CATCH (5:54)
Section: 14 - CMS Project - Something about SESSIONS / FLASH
114. Installing Module (8:19)
115. Checking SESSION and displaying Flashes (10:47)
116. Session errors in partials (1:43)
117. UPLOAD - update - editing files in post (4:17)
118. Update and Delete Flash Message (4:02)
119. Cleaning up Nav links (4:55)
Section: 15 - CMS Project - Extra Feature Dates
120. Adding default Dates on Post Model (3:40)
122. Using a Handlebars function to format dates in Views (5:15)
121. Installing Date Module and Setup (8:21)
Section 16: CMS Project - Front End POSTS
123. Home page dynamic data part 1 - Setup (6:21)
124. Home page dynamic data part 2 - Displaying data (4:30)
125. Creating a Single Post route part 1 - Setup (4:43)
126. Creating a Single Post route part 2 - Replacing Static with Dynamic data (12:23)
Section: 17 - CMS Project - Categories
127. Views routes and setup (10:43)
128. Categories Index - Create Form (4:50)
129. Categories Index - Display Form (4:45)
130. Creating a category (4:10)
131. Displaying categories (2:49)
132. Categories edit part 1 - Link (4:13)
133. Categories edit part 2 - Edit View (4:13)
134. Categories - Updating (5:02)
135. Categories - Deleting (3:01)
136. Displaying Categories in Home Page (5:34)
137. Adding a Select to the Edit Post View (3:43)
138. Adding a Select to the Create Post View (2:58)
139. Finishing up with Categories (9:14)
Section: 18 - CMS Project - Authentication - Registration Section
140. Auth Intro (2:58)
141. Creating our User Model (4:24)
142. Adding our User to the Post Route (5:28)
143. Adding some Validation (11:36)
144. Registering a User (3:43)
145. Hashing User's password with a module - part 1 (8:47)
146. Hashing User's password with a module - part 2 (3:32)
147. Adding Flash notification for registration (2:31)
148. User already exists feature (10:09)
Section: 19 - CMS Project - Authentication - Login Section
149. Moving Database Config and Post login route (4:32)
150. Passport Module part 1 - Login route setup (5:27)
151. Passport Module part 2 - Testing (6:14)
152. Passport Module part 3 - Verifying users (8:59)
153. Passport Module part 3 - Login users in (8:28)
154. Displaying Logged-In User and Errors (6:09)
155. Login out (2:37)
156. Login out Modal (2:29)
157. Protecting our Admin Routes (5:48)
Section: 20 - CMS Project - Comments
158. Model relationships (5:44)
159. Create route part 1 - form (6:00)
160. Create route part 2 - creating comments (13:31)
161. Setting up our Comment index (5:46)
162. Displaying Comments (5:35)
163. Displaying Comment Owner and formatting date (4:17)
164. Deleting comments (5:46)
165. Deleting Post with comments (6:34)
166. Displaying only logged in user comments (2:14)
167. Deleting comment references in the Post documents (7:23)
168. Hiding comments if not allowed (7:33)
169 Displaying comments front end (6:54)
170. Populating users in comments (5:49)
171. Populating user for posts (6:58)
172. Creating a user specific page for Posts (11:18)
Section: 21 - CMS Project - AJAX Feature
173. Installing Bootstrap Buttons Plugin (6:12)
174. Initializing our Button (4:30)
175. Listening for the Change Event (4:40)
176. Sending the AJAX request - Test (7:56)
177. Getting Data (6:15)
178. Finally Updating with AJAX (2:37)
179. Adding some Notifications with this AWESOME JS Library (5:13)
180. Displaying only approved comments (5:07)
181. Adding Flash notification to comments (3:06)
Section: 22 - CMS Project - Admin Chart - Extra Features
183. Displaying dynamic data on chart (4:52)
182. Creating a chart on Admin (5:20)
Section: 23 - CMS Project Extra Feature - Pretty URL's
184. Downloading Package and setup part 1 (5:58)
185. Creating Slugs (5:12)
186. Displaying Pretty URL's (4:46)
Section: 24 - CMS Project Extra Features - Pagination
187. Creating handlebars helper function and testing (7:00)
188. Route modification (5:06)
189. Creating dynamic list items in Handlebars function part 1 (5:58)
190. Creating dynamic list items in Handlebars function part 2 (6:55)
191. Creating dynamic list items in Handlebars function part 3 (5:37)
192. Creating dynamic list items in Handlebars function part 4 (3:56)
Section: 25 - Extra Features and Refactoring
193. Multiple queries in one GO - part 1 (7:32)
194. Multiple queries in one GO - part 2 (6:29)
Section: 26 - Extra Features - Deployment
195. Signing up for Cloud Services (3:14)
196. Creating our remote database (3:17)
197. Connection to the database (4:48)
198. Installing Heroku (5:52)
199. Launching our App Online (15:02)
200. Refactoring database connections (11:43)
201. Adding a domain (6:03)
70. Login part 1 - Setting up the Login route
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